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Medical Outreach Program

Medical Outreach Program

As a major part of Globus Sante International Corporate Social Responsibilities, we organise community health outreach programs to the communities that need it the most. We partner with NGOs, governmental organisations, churches among others to ensure that we provide services that are needed within the community.


Components of the Medical Outreach

The program would be segmented into different Components of Medical Outreach – Free medical consultation and distribution of
medication through counselling sessions on healthy living. These include;

Free medical consultation and distribution of medication through offering of counseling for healthy living.
General health screening which includes body mass index, random blood sugar for (Diabetes), breast screening, high blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol and uric acid

A hand-washing exercise to emphasize the importance of hand washing in our daily lives.

Heart to Heart interaction between volunteers of Medics Aid Projects and the youth of the communities on issues relating to their sexuality.
Health Education and Promotion: changing the focus from cure to prevention.


P. O. BOX CT 153 Cantonments -Accra, Ghana
+233 55 677 6717
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